
패스트푸드 식당
6 건의 리뷰 반영


Alex C
126 month ago
These tips are all hysterically true
Dicky D
130 month ago
The bathroom is disgusting
Sandi M
131 month ago
Don't order anything that requires them to use the blender, the staff unfortunately don't know how to use it.
Medford fire
153 month ago
Nice building too bad the staff suck at making food and taking orders I got a surprise in my sausage biscuit a long blonde hair and FYI it was the managers as she was making the food expect not good !
Nick B
155 month ago
AVOID!! The people here can't get an order right to save their lives. When you ask for your correct order, or for an scream that isn't melted they give you attitude!
Lainie D
167 month ago
Tried to get 2 iced coffee-that didn't work well. Cashier left me at the counter for 10 mins-hands me one coffee full of grounds and takes off mumbling something-eventially gave up and went to DD.