Sanctuary Ultra Lounge

10 건의 리뷰 반영


Steve B
120 month ago
This place is always hopping on the weekends. Fun place to go dancing and the DJ always spins great hip hip.
ᴡ R
122 month ago
Great place. There are great peeps here. The drinks are off the hook. The dishes are tasty. The outside street patio is sweet on a cool Spring or Summer evening. c/s
Danielle K
129 month ago
Just don't try to order an old fashioned. Because they'll charge you for a Manhattan and serve you watered down plastic bourbon. Holy...what is this?
Merv A
129 month ago
Great fries, ginger beer, ahi tuna. Friendly attentive staff. A keeper.
Dimitri M
146 month ago
Salsa Sunday's en la Casa
Eric L
150 month ago
Surprisingly good food for a place that calls itself a "lounge". Never been there at night, but it's a great low key afternoon stop.
EriC B
153 month ago
house made ginger ale was tasty and refreshing between rounds.
Dave T
165 month ago
Burger, beer, fries for $10, football special tonight!
Chris D
166 month ago
Ask elias for a mexican wheelchair tell him chris sent you
Amber M
167 month ago
Its probably the most eccentric place downtown... hip hop tuesdays, ladies night wed, open mic thurs, karaoke Sunday