Clairton Education Center

9 건의 리뷰 반영


Patricia M
143 month ago
If your child gets bullied. This school dose nothing at all to help. And if your kids need extra help go luck. They cut all the programs to help. Its sad.
Patricia M
144 month ago
Great caring teachers. They really do put a lot of love and time into teaching these kids.
Rob T
147 month ago
If u can't read get somebody else 2 bring the kid 2 school. Because I'm tired of seein ppl drive the wrong way from rite aid.
Rob T
148 month ago
Gotta teach the fuckin parents that drop their kidz off 2 pull over 2 the curb so others can get in & out wit out any trouble or congesting up the street 4 others. Thatz why some kidz r late waitin.
Rob T
149 month ago
2 many Walkin around sayin that they know this and that and don't know shit. That pisses me off. All they have 2 do iz sit & learn...
Rob T
151 month ago
Do u hate when the school callz and say ur child don't have all of there shots and u know u got them. But the nurse at Dr office says that she has them and we gotta go get the records.
Rob T
152 month ago
If the few bad apples sit and listen 2 the teacher maybe thingz will go their way. So 2 the apples buckle down so u can go places.
Rob T
155 month ago
I'll b glad when he's done next week. I shouldn't tell him but I will cause I don't need him whoopin ass up here.
Patricia M
155 month ago
Lol be safe all.